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ripley: лучшее 2002 года
1. delay, vladislav - naima (staubgold)
2. the books - thought for food (tomlab)
3. ekkehard ehlers - plays (staubgold)
4. jim o'rourke - i'm happy, and i'm singing, and a 1, 2, 3, 4 (mego)
5. tim hecker - haunt me, haunt me do it again (substractif/alien)
6. mice parade - all roads lead to salzburg (bubble core)
7. burnt friedman & jaki liebezeit - secret rhythms
8. sigur ros - () (fat cat)
9. andrew pekler - station to station (~scape)
10. fenno'berg - the return of fenn'o'berg (mego)
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